Saturday, August 31, 2019

Songs of Innocence and Song of Experience Analysis

William Blake lived from 1757 – 1827 in London. He was primarily an engraver then painter until later writing his famous poems. In his childhood he was educated at home although he later attended a drawing school, Henry Pars' and was an autodidact. Blake also claimed to have visions, most notably a vision when he saw and conversed with the Virgin Mary and the Angel Gabriel. In 1779, Blake became a student at the Royal Academy in Old Somerset House. His studies required no payment but he was expected to supply his own materials throughout the six years he would stay. He married in 1783 to Catherine Boucher, based solely on love and to this day is defined as a romantic poet. He was Associated with the Romantics because he had similar ideas that the imagination was very important. Byron, Shelly and Coleridge believed that the imagination was important – much more then rational thought. They were all against industrialisation of the countryside. The Romantics were an artistic movement which started in the 1770s through the Industrialisation of Europe continuing into the early Victorian period. They were classed here because of certain shared beliefs. The Romantics disliked the effects of the Industrial revolution. They lived during the civil war of America and the French revolution, due to the sudden questioning in the role of Monarchy and Church. William Blake produced poems, most notably the two companion poems of Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. One of his beliefs was that innocence is something good and generally saw experience as a bad thing. Evidence shows from his poems that he detested the expansion of industrialisation and very much liked the countryside as well as his deep religious attitude. Also you can read Analysis July at the Multiplex Songs of Innocence and Experience was written in 1790. The main theme Blake stressed was that a child remains innocent in his or her youth. The songs of Innocence are written in a child's point of view. They still strive strong even though there is evil around them. Blake felt as you grew older you lost that innocence as you gained more experience. The songs of Experience are written in an experienced point of view, which had realised the true evil around him or her and hated it. The first two examples are the lamb from Songs of innocence and the Tyger from songs of experience. Firstly, the lamb consists of two stanzas with five rhyming couplets. The Lamb is about innocence and Blake utilises the symbolism of a child to emphasize the theme. â€Å"He is meek & he is mild†. A lamb is a small, timid and weak animal and can portray innocence and peacefulness, properties we can associate with a child. It may also have deeper meaning, such as the Lamb of God. It was Jesus who became known as the Lamb of God because as the Jewish faith believes, sacrificing a lamb would take away your sins. The Christians saw Jesus as acting like a lamb so he could take away everyone's sins after becoming crucified, an image which shows self-sacrifice and innocence. Blake, who has a passion for religion gives praise to God for creation of a creature like the Lamb. The alliteration of â€Å"Little Lamb† gives the effect of softening the tone and adding to the imagery of innocence and possibly Blake tried to make the Lamb seem like a Nursery Rhyme, which portrays the poem being narrated by a child, therefore linking back to the theme of innocence. In the Tyger, the poem consists of six stanza's, with two rhyming couplets in each stanza. The Tyger is about experience and Blake utilises this using industrial and colour imagery like in the fourth stanza such as â€Å"what the hammer† or in the first stanza â€Å"forests of the night†. The Tyger needs experience to survive, as it needs to kill to live. Blake is questioning God â€Å"What immortal hand or eye, / could frame thy fearful symmetry† to why God would want to make animals like tigers, such as mankind. This is one of Blake's rhetorical questions throughout the poem. Read also  Case 302 July in Multiplex The â€Å"immortal hand† refers to the power of God to create. The â€Å"fearful symmetry† refers to the complexity in the tyger by the divine artistry, almost being so perfect as to be fearful to understand. Blake saw the Tyger as a very intricate animal, asking how God created it, â€Å"In what furnace was thy brain / What the anvil,†. The comparisons between the two is that the Lamb has pastoral imagery, such as language, â€Å"Vale†, â€Å"mead†, â€Å"stream†, This helps the reader picture a pastoral scene. This was the ideal life of William Blake, evidence for his want for the time before the industrial revolution. The Tyger has industrial imagery, â€Å"furnace†, â€Å"hammer†, â€Å"anvil†, to show how the Tyger is made as if it were in a factory. This imagery shows a pessimistic view of the Tyger. Blake does this because of his hate of industrialisation and saw it as an impurity to the countryside. In the penultimate stanza of the Tyger, Blake quotes Genesis, â€Å"Did he smile his work to see†. Blake is talking about the sixth day of creation when God had finally stopped and looked at his work, and saw it was good and rested on the seventh day. But then Blake adds â€Å"Did he who made the Lamb make thee! † Blake gives this rhetorical question to state whether the same God made the â€Å"little lamb† also made the â€Å"Tyger†. Here Blake questions the omniscience of God. If God is kind and all knowing shouldn't he have known evil and suffering would exist due to the creation of creatures like the Tyger. In general, Blake examines two separate animals, the Lamb and the Tyger which express his feelings on ideas about creation and the creator. Blake appreciates an innocent creature like the Lamb and is awe-struck by the complexity of the Tyger but is asking why God would make a Tyger with properties like having to kill in order to survive. Blake sees innocence as something good because as age your experience in the world increases. People see the sinister side of the world; therefore Blake would have seen ignorance as bliss. The next poems I will be analysing are The Chimney sweeper from Songs of innocence and The Chimney sweeper from Songs of Experience. The Songs of innocence version was written in 1789. Blake saw around him the child cruelty and shows this through his poem. â€Å"When my mother died I was very young,† from the first stanza immediately shows Blake's choice to make the poem in a child's perspective thus increasing the empathy, which he has tried to do repeatedly â€Å"in soot I sleep† to show the reader the bad life of poor children. Yet they continue to strive as best they can and treat each other well compared to the adults. â€Å"soot cannot spoil your white hair†, from the second stanza is about another child trying to comfort another child. In the penultimate line in the First stanza, â€Å"Could scarcely cry † ‘weep! ‘weep! ‘weep! † † is the child's attempt to say â€Å"sweep! , sweep! â€Å", which was the common street cry of chimney sweepers. It shows the child is very young and cannot even talk properly, adding to his innocence. Also this poem shows that the children have a very optimistic attitude on life, they try to make the greatest of what they have and do not fear death. This can be shown through a religious theme. When â€Å"the Angel told Tom, if he'd be a good boy, He'd have God for his father & never want joy†. Here Blake is showing that the children will live happily for eternity if they followed God's rules. Blake therefore believes the innocence of the children is what keeps them believing they'll have a better life after this wretched one because their innocent minds were easy to manipulate with the guarantee of an afterlife. The Chimney Sweeper from Songs of experience was written in 1794. The Chimney sweeper show evidence of his former innocence and is the same chimney sweeper from songs of innocence but matured and grown to realise the real world around him. Now, the Chimney sweeper blames his parents for the life he was put in, the first stanza say's, â€Å"Where are thy father & mother†. He is miserable in his position â€Å"notes of woe† and also blames â€Å"God & his Priest & King†. Blake purposefully made this child's perspective different from the companion poem to show the chimney sweeper has been influenced by society and therefore has an experienced point of view. Through the child's experience, Blake has portrayed the child detesting religion. In the first stanza the child speaks out for his parents, but he knows â€Å"They are both gone up to the church to pray. The child is angry that the people who follow God are the same people who â€Å"taught me to sing the notes of woe. † The child is bitter towards his life and believes he has been done wrong by the adults and believes they find joy in their misery â€Å"Who make up a heaven of our misery†. Blake has done this because of the controversy around the role of the church and monarchy and is an indication of someone who is experienced to question the role of church and monarchy. The Comparisons between the two is that they both contain metaphors prophesizing a most likely death. The Songs of innocence also has dark colour imagery inside the metaphor, â€Å"Were all of them lock'd up in coffins of black. † The â€Å"black† being themselves covered in soot and â€Å"lock'd† inside the chimneys, as was a lot of boys misfortunes. The Songs of experience shows the child knowing what his parents have done to him and is aware of a possible death. â€Å"They clothed me in the clothes of death†. The metaphor also shows that he was â€Å"clothed† from the real world during his younger years of innocence, meaning he felt he was living a lie. Further colour imagery is used in the songs of innocence such as, â€Å"cannot spoil your white hair†, white symbolising something pure as well as in the fourth stanza when the children â€Å"naked and white†, go and â€Å"wash in a river, and shine in the sun†. Here Blake uses pastoral imagery to make the countryside seem like a heaven and uses more themes of religion linking â€Å"naked and white† to Adam and Eve, where they â€Å"wash in a river, and shine in the sun†, this being the Garden of Eden. Blake is using the innocence and naivety of Adam of Eve to link this with the Children. The colour imagery in the chimney sweeper from Songs of experience relates to darkness in a â€Å"black thing among the snow. † This meaning the soot covered child is an oddity among everyone else. Blake stresses that he is all alone among the world and tries to win the readers sympathy. Using the word â€Å"snow†, Blake has used the snows property of being cold to portray society's ill attitude to life. In general, Blake has tried to expose the churches twists of their religion to benefit themselves. Blake has used the chimney sweepers as evidence of this. They were taught that if they do their â€Å"duty they not fear harm. † And as the innocent children they believed blindly until gradual experience revealed that is was the church that â€Å"taught me to sing the notes of woe. † Most children were brought into chimney sweeping when they reached 5 and continued that life until their size grew too big to fit inside. Many died from becoming trapped, getting tuberculosis, asthma and testicular cancer. William Blake lived in London his whole life and wrote the poem London for Songs of experience. London was written in 1794, in the aftermath of the French Revolution. This was a time of great political conflict in Britain. It exposes the distance in classes between those in power and the poor. In the second stanza, â€Å"mind-forg'd manacles†, this metaphor contains a deeper meaning then at first glance. The â€Å"mind-forged† relates back to the tyger's meaning of being created as if it were a machine. â€Å"manacles† are chains to the arms, which is being used to say London was a like a prison. The powerful minority had imposed their laws and removed freedom of the majority. We see this as how the powerful people were granted charters to control the streets of London and the river. Blake is obviously displeased that the streets are â€Å"chartered† but more obviously for the â€Å"Chartered Thames†, which shouldn't be controlled by laws. This is evidence for his views on the removal of freedom. Blake writes the â€Å"weakness† and the â€Å"woe† has appeared â€Å"in every face† to show the misery to try and make the audience feel sympathy for the poor. The repetition of â€Å"marks† and â€Å"every† reveals the extreme anxiety which â€Å"marks† of misery show up in â€Å"every Man† and â€Å"every Infants† faces which inform us that the Londoners are weakened in mind, body and spirit by the imposing of laws and â€Å"chartered streets†. Blake has utilised this to increase the audience's sympathy. Another main point with deeper meaning is in the third stanza, where Blake utilises imagery of religion and destruction as a paradox. He is implying the fall of religion such as the religious imagery of the â€Å"black'ning church† which represents the loss of innocence and the society's desertion of faith. The â€Å"chimney-sweeper's cry† symbolises trying to clean the soot that covers society and clean what causes their misery. But the â€Å"black'ning church† can also be blackened metaphorically with the shame of not helping the poor with the use of their power. There is also a pun as â€Å"appals† means to become pale, as with fear, but the churches are becoming metaphorically black, with soot. Still in the third stanza, the â€Å"hapless soldiers sigh† is about the aftermath of the French revolution when soldiers were drafted into war, unwilling or willing. Blake uses the imagery of destruction â€Å"Runs in blood down palace walls† to explain why the society is forced to mend their â€Å"weakness† and â€Å"woe† so an uprising will not occur in London. The last stanza reveals Blake's feelings that the next generation will be affected by his generation, â€Å"youthful harlot's curse† symbolises the youth's bad deeds will cause the â€Å"newborn infant's tear† which means the new generation will have to deal with the previous generations problems. This shows how old generations make mistakes for the new such as the current generation creating global warming, which the next generation must deal with. The language in the final stanza such as â€Å"plagues† also symbolises the â€Å"curse†. The â€Å"marriage hearse† symbolises eternity with death, an oxymoron. This makes the effect of showing life is not without death, in every life there is a final misery, death. William Blake wrote Holy Thursday in songs of innocence in 1789. Holy Thursday describes the church's festival to commemorate the ascension of Jesus which takes place thirty-nine days after Easter. On the Thursday, children from the charity schools across London went on a march to attend a service at St Paul's Cathedral. Beadles were lower ranking church members who kept the order of the children as they arrived. The Songs of innocence version of Holy Thursday consists of three quatrains each with two rhyming couplets. The first stanza brings the life to the poem with use of colour imagery â€Å"red, blue and green† to emphasize the children's delight. Blake uses â€Å"innocent faces clean† to once again stress how simple and innocent children are. They are â€Å"clean† because they have not yet acquired experience, which Blake saw experience as something bad. The Beadles are â€Å"Grey headed†, revealing them as possibly old aged. Blake also describes them as â€Å"wise guardians† perhaps because of the knowledge they have acquired till their old age. This is peculiar because the main attitude of Blake was that experience was something bad. It may be that Blake writes this because he is pleased that the children are brought up with a good religious attitude by the church. In the last stanza the children sing above the â€Å"aged men†, more evidence of the beadle's old age and a way to show their experience. Blake may have done this because he believed the Beadles were not â€Å"wise† or bothered to be â€Å"guardians† of the children because they cared not for them, another link to show experience as something bad. In the last line of the last stanza, â€Å"Then cherish pity, lest you drive an angel from your door† is a reference to Hebrews 13:2, â€Å"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. † This is God telling people to be good to our fellow man as you don't know who they are. This portrays the children as angelic to the reader. Also the sentences of the poem lengthen across the page. This can represent the long marching line of the children towards the church. The Songs of experience version was written in 1794. It is about the same event from the Songs of innocence but the manner is more disheartening. The poem consists of four quatrains and Blake has removed the effect of lengthening the sentences. Pastoral imagery is evident that the children are in a â€Å"rich and fruitful land†. Blake has done this because of the beauty of the actual church itself but he then stresses they are still â€Å"reduced to misery†. This is a reflection to the sour attitude of life expressed in the poem London. Blake is furthermore disapproved of the powerful taking advantage of the poor. Blake furthermore criticises the integrity of the church by writing that the children are â€Å"Fed with cold and usurous hand. † This means that the church has no concern of the children as is only interested in continuing the ceremony so it will benefit the church as â€Å"usurous† meant to lend money for a profit. Blake has also written deeper parts including â€Å"And their ways are fill'd with thorns†, from the third stanza. Blake has used religious imagery to suggest the children's lives will be full of adversity just as Jesus did. The â€Å"thorns† give a reminder to Jesus being flogged along with the crown of thorns. This was the hardship Jesus endured but after being crucified he ascended straight to heaven. Blake is saying the children will endure hardship like this but when the die they will go straight to heaven. Comparisons between the two are that in the last line of the third stanza of the Songs of Experience version, â€Å"It is eternal winter there,† describes how the children see the ceremony from the experienced point of view. This is different from Holy Thursdays of the Songs of innocence. The last stanza of the Songs of Experience version links to the â€Å"winter† by saying that when the sun shines and the rain doesn't fall, there â€Å"can never hunger there† and â€Å"Nor poverty†. But in winter the sun does not shine and rain does fall, so therefore Blake is saying there is hunger and there is poverty. The Songs of innocence version portrays the children as â€Å"flowers of London town†, this gives a good mood of the imagery for the children. But The Songs of Experience version opposes this mood as â€Å"their fields are bleak & bare† which both quotes touch on pastoral imagery. The experience of the children has lead them to become miserable as the adults and are â€Å"bleak and bare† physically and mentally. In general, Holy Thursday is meant to be a joyous occasion as Blake writes about the children in Songs of innocence but the exploitation by the powerful minority has demoralised the poor majority and this foul mood on such an occasion is shown in Holy Thursday from Songs of Experience. William Blake died in 1827. Blake wrote Songs of Innocence and Experience to show the world the bad deeds that society had created, expanding on matters he felt important like religion and morality, child labour and cruelty. It is true that Songs of Innocence and Songs of experience are very complex and Blake has done a good job of helping the reader understand the complexity by using his powerful use of imagery and language and William Blake has definitely expressed his beliefs well though his poems.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Limitations of Ratio Analysis for Cross-Sectional Comparisons Essay

Ratio analysis is a useful technique for comparing a company’s performance and position with other companies. However, such comparisons may be misleading. Some of the limitations of ratio analysis for cross-sectional comparisons are discussed below: Accounting policies: Accounting laws allow companies to choose accounting policies and use discretion while preparing accounts. Such a freedom leads to differences in the accounts of companies, which in turn distorts cross-sectional company comparisons. Historic cost: If companies are of different ages, their financial statements will include non-current assets purchased at different times in the past which will usually be recorded at historic cost. This will mean the different companies have different book values of asset, thereby affecting their financial statements even if the businesses are otherwise identical (Ireland and Leiwy, 2011). Creative accounting: Companies tend to present inflated revenues and reduced liabilities on the financial statements. In particular, they tend to window dress during earnings results seasons. These tricks make investors believe that companies have a strong financial position. However, such creative accounting misleads analysts using financial accounting and ratios for cross-sectional comparisons. Different risk profiles: Companies have different financial and market risk profiles. Companies in the same industry may face different financial and market risks. For example, a company with a low debt ratio may indicate improved financial position. However, banks may not have provided loans to the company owing to the company’s low creditworthiness or high financial risk profiling. Another company in the same industry may have a low financial risk profiling, and it may obtain loans at a reduced rate for expansions. But, the financial statement will only show a high gearing rate. In this case, ratio analysis leads to incorrect interpretations and conclusions about both the companies. Qualitative factors: Ratio analysis does not consider qualitative factors such as management quality, quality of assets, social responsibilities, goodwill etc. Despite the limitations discussed above, financial ratio analysis is still useful in assessing a company’s financial performance. Ratios can provide a functional understanding of a company’s operations if used intelligently. Analysts need to understand the limitations in the analytical method and make the necessary modifications.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Linguistics and the Analysis of Poetry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Linguistics and the Analysis of Poetry - Essay Example Having conducted a solid literature review on the aspect of linguistics, the essay section will focus on subjecting theoretical provisions of the review in analyzing a real poem. In order to foster objective directionality, a thesis statement will be adopted in appraising the depth and breadth of linguistic methods in integrating the aspects of clarity and artistic interpretation within poetry. Introduction On the context of artistic interpretation, a piece of art like a poem or even a painting should elicit or invoke a desired response on the audience. Lieberman (1969) says that poetry as an art acts as a bridge between target audience and the artist. It is through appropriate employment of artistic techniques that a poet can convey his or her thoughts, feelings and emotions to the audience. Techniques used must be appropriate in order to deliver intended meaning to audience. In certain cases, inappropriate use of linguistic methods may fail to create the desired expression of an ar tist’s work. Consequently, audiences will end up interpreting the underlying piece of art in a relative rather than an absolute manner. On the contrary, use of suitable linguistic methods in poetry enables poets to impress readers through elucidating process of expression. At this juncture, the thesis for the essay asserts that both formal and informal linguistic methods does not only help in elucidating poetry for average readers but also allows these readers to apply artistic interpretation. Based on the literature review section, it is undeniable that poetry as an art employs considerable use of sound, wording sequence and wording stress in giving meaning to their work. According to Frank (1970), expression of thoughts, feelings and emotions by poets is in direct relation to the manner in which sound intensity and stress elevation are used in writings. In addition, word ordering facilitates development of themes and philosophical construct behind a poem. In most cases, a p oet may not employ all the three techniques of stress, sound and word sequence variation at every point of their work. It is common to encounter an instance where a poet only uses sound variation in creating rhyme while compromising on contextual meaning of his work. In other circumstances, a poet may employ elaborate use of contextual vocabulary as a means of enhancing thematic clarity while compromising on the aesthetic values of rhyme. According to Fowler (1967), it means that linguistic methodology allows poets to vary writing styles in order to create themes and aesthetical attributes of poems. In most cases, stylistic variation derived from suitable linguistic methods allows poets to flaunt their knowledge in the process of artistic expression while still impressing readers through clear expression of intended message. Analysis of â€Å"Paradise Lost† In order to fully understand the use of sound and vocabulary variation, we will analyze a few lines from the poem  "Paradise Lost† by John Milton. Throughout the poem, John employs substantial alteration of sound patterns in creating the indented rhyme. On the other hand, variation in vocabulary enhances development of intended message, which in this case is disobedience of man towards God. In line 14 of book 1 of the poem, Milton (2010) says,

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

A research about plastic pollution in California Paper

A about plastic pollution in California - Research Paper Example This trash does not simply go nor does it decompose, it stays and pollutes the environment in a range of ways. Plastic is the most extensive form of rubbish disposed to our ecosystem and the issue has become a problem in need of instant solutions because its effects to our environment are devastating environmentally. California would have been the first state in the nation to implement a ban on the plastic ban in July 2014. However, due to the intervention of industries associated with plastic and bag manufacturing who paid some amount to stop this ban, the state pushed forward the deadline to November 2016. Other organizations as well contributed against the lobby with the aim of keeping factory workers’ jobs intact as well as preventing the 10-cent per paper bag used pay for all residents in California. All people resident in California should be at the forefront in advocating for the new bill concerning banning plastic bags because their pollution poses far reaching environ mental as well as health issues to the lives of human beings, animals, marine life and other species in the ecosystem generally. Environmentalists are the leading groups of people pushing for major changes of human behavior with regard to plastic bags menace. The leading plastic distributors are always stores and malls who give consumers these bags free and after using them go ahead and discard them aimlessly without minding their effects on the environment. This issue has been at the central part of many debates and it has created different opinions from the citizens of California. Those in favor of the ban have come up with measures to curb the plastic bag menace but opponents, a great number of whom are the plastic industry and bag manufacturers are against this move (Kumeh). This has created a row such that the state secretary announced a referendum to let the public decide about this decision. Plastic bags need replacement of a better substitute

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Liberal view of international relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Liberal view of international relations - Essay Example Thus, the liberal school of thought operates on certain core assumptions. The first and most fundamental premise of the liberal school of thought is the argument that the relationship that states have with other actors, state and non state, in the international community to a great extent shapes their behavior by influencing their preferences. To the liberalists, how states behave in the international arena has more to do with their preferences rather than their capabilities. Consequently, depending on such internal factors in states such as culture, the economic system or even the type of government therein, the preferences are likely to be different from state to   state. In liberalism, the relations that particular states have to the local domestic and even the global communal framework in which they are set in has a fundamental impact on their behavior as far as international politics is concerned. Thus, societal ideas, interests and the institutions in these states heavily inf luence their behaviors by shaping their preferences. The liberalists also distinguish between high and low politics as the determinants of interaction between states. That is to stay, to the liberalists, states do not only interact in the international relations as a result of high end political issues such as politics and security. State also interact on the basis of low political issues in the form of economics and culture. (Shared assumptions of realism and liberal institutionalism, n.d.)... To the liberalists, how states behave in the international arena has more to do with their preferences rather than their capabilities. Consequently, depending on such internal factors in states such as culture, the economic system or even the type of government therein, the preferences are likely to be different from state to state. In liberalism, the relations that particular states have to the local domestic and even the global communal framework in which they are set in has a fundamental impact on their behavior as far as international politics is concerned. Thus, societal ideas, interests and the institutions in these states heavily influence their behaviors by shaping their preferences. The liberalists also distinguish between high and low politics as the determinants of interaction between states. That is to stay, to the liberalists, states do not only interact in the international relations as a result of high end political issues such as politics and security. State also inte ract on the basis of low political issues in the form of economics and culture. (Shared assumptions of realism and liberal institutionalism, n.d.) Another assumption of the liberal school of though lies in the fact that rational individuals and private groups who organize and exchange to promote their interests as opposed to states are viewed as the primary actors in the international arena. Again, that states and other political institutions represent some division of domestic society. This then forms the basis of interests upon which state officials then define state preferences and therefore act with a purpose in the world politics. Lastly, that there is interdependence of

Monday, August 26, 2019

Executive Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Executive Summary - Essay Example the euro exchange economy can also be used to remove the lower bound which has an effect on the short period threatening free nominal interest (Buiter, 2010, p. 219). On the other hand, during price setting, New-Calvo-Woodford approach can be used in setting price. Their approach involve secretive division in the euro-currency financial system, government in the euro exchange economy, equilibrium in the euro currency economy, deterministic steady state in the euro currency economy and lastly the lower bound which can become a binding constraint in the euro currency economy (Buiter, 2010 p.223). In prevailing over the lower bound on nominal charge, one can use the following strategies: eliminating currency, disburse negative interest rates on money (Buiter, 2010) or taxing money or even dividing the standard of trade. The three methods of eliminating subordinate bound on nominal interest plays a role in making it possible to ensure that it target the true stability of prices (Buiter, 2010). The author use of quotes from outside source gives a back up to the points that are highlighted in the report. He used seventy outside sources to support his main ideas concerning the monetary policy. The examples used are ones that have methodology to come up with the main idea

Sunday, August 25, 2019

E- Commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

E- Commerce - Essay Example Many people call this as the knowledge revolution, characterized by an international data highway that works 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It has been far too long since people have acknowledged that the wired or networked world is revolutionizing business. This phenomenon has paved the way for organizations to better communicate with their market and all the stakeholders involved in the production and selling of goods and services. In a nutshell, companies use technology and electronic mediation not just to reach out to its consumers and suppliers but also to automate back-office tasks and industrial operations while pushing ahead with research and development. eCommerce eCommerce or eBusiness is the most prominent consequence of electronic mediation in business. Here, individuals and organizations can sell and/or purchase goods and services through the Internet. The standard definition for eCommerce has been put forward by the US Census Bureau , which defined eCommerce as â₠¬Å"any transaction completed over a computer-mediated network that involves the transfer of ownership or rights to use goods or services.† (Storz 2007, p. 126) The Internet, however, is not the only channel by which eCommerce can operate. For instance, transactions can be made through different communication and technological channels such as the phone. Nonetheless, the Internet dominates the electronic commerce today. It was created thanks to the personal computer (PC), telecommunications, business software, as well as the advances in office technology industries. (Shi, p. 25) What ecommerce did for companies is to tear down the traditional bricks and mortar business models and imposing its own brand that features increased performance, speed and cost efficiency. In addition, according to Kellerman (2002), â€Å"globalization is quite unique to eCommerce, permitting the creation of global market areas for many products and services,† and that its â€Å"attribute is â €Å"intelligence, whereby eCommerce is aided by sophisticated information tool, such as databases, search engine and the like.† (p. 128) There are fundamentally two classifications by which eCommerce operates: B2B eCommerce and B2C eCommerce. The transactions that are electronically mediated between enterprises are called business-to-business (B2B) eCommerce, while electronically selling goods and services by a company to its consumers is called as business-to-consumer (B2C) eCommerce. Together they manifest the best possible benefits that a company could reap out of communication and technology. Business to Business With regards to the organization, electronic mediation poses several benefits and opportunities. The most important of these is cost efficiency, productivity and convenience. In the past, for instance, a company would follow the traditional method of procurement, which entails numerous work and human resource in order for products to be bought and sent to the buy er. The consumer would order through a thick and burdensome catalog and would be punished by having to browse each and every page that could rival the number of pages of the telephone directory. After, making the selection, he would then have to phone the selling party, be given several forms to fill, fax his information and proceed with the buy and sell process. This setup can be extremely be aggravated when products and serv

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Apple Operations Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Apple Operations - Term Paper Example The company has a wide range of products such as desktop computers, laptops, mobiles and different application software. Along with its subsidiaries the company develops and markets various portable applications as well. Some of the bestseller items of the company include portable music players, mobile communication devices and several other digital gadgets. Buzzwords such as I-pod, I-phone and I-pad are all creations of Apple. The company also has a strong presence in the field of software. The software segment includes operating systems such as Mac OS and other utility and productivity applications like Quick time player, I-work and logic studio among others (Apple Store, n.d.). The company has a global presence and owns more than 370 stores. It has a workforce of 20,000 people. Apple mainly distributes its product through whole sellers, retailers and Apple owned exclusive stores. Hewlett Packard, Dell, Google and Research in Motion Limited are the direct competitors of the company (NASDAQ, 2012). However companies such as Lenovo, Compaq, Toshiba and Hitachi are also considered as the circumlocutory competitors of the company. The aim of the report is to offer the domestic operations of the company. Also the report will stress on the global operational strategy of the company. In the operational strategies the report will offers insights about the way Apple markets its products. Finally the report will conclude by revealing the differences between the domestic operations and the global operations of the company. Domestic Operations of Apple Operations management can be regarded as the process in which human, material and financial inputs are transformed into output of products, service or other utilities (Pride, Hughes & Kapoor, 2006, p.279). However the actual creation of the product takes place in the mid half of the process and is referred to as manufacturing, production or the operations (Finch, 2008, p.164). In addition to that material management or logistics controls the transfer of raw materials through the process of value chain. The distribution on the other hand deals with the delivery of goods to the end customers. Finally the after sales provided by the company are known as support. Figure 1 (Source: McCubbrey, 2010) Value Chain of Apple The value chain of the company is discussed below:- Inbound Logistics Most of the essential components which are required for manufacturing Apple’s products are available from several sources. However some of the essential materials are obtained from single sources. In order to cite an instance IBM is the only supplier of G5 processor, which is being used in the products of PowerMac, while Motorola is the only supplier of G4 processor to the company. Operations The company has highly innovative products (O’Grady, 2008, p.xii). Hence the materials also need to be of high quality. Now as the raw materials are obtained the final assembly of the products is carried out in the manufacturing and assembling plants of Apple. Sacramento and Cork are the two places where the operations take place. Nevertheless the operations are also carried out by external vendors in places such as Netherlands, Korea, China and Taiwan among others (Day, 2010). In the portable category the products are assembled in Japan, China and Taiwan. Therefore from the findings it is clear that Apple only manufacture few of its products in USA and most of them assembled by third party vendors.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Licensing and Professional Organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Licensing and Professional Organization - Essay Example In most cases, the program has a theoretical background, which has evidence regarding on clinical experiences on community-based practice settings (Sullivan-Marx, 2010). In this program, the nursing students get the chance to develop different skills when it comes to providing direct care, health assessments, health maintenance and information, which is useful in the promotion of health care to any given family. Generally, primary care nursing program deals with family’s mental, emotional, physical and sociocultural systems (Sullivan-Marx, 2010). Based on this specialty, I would expect to work in one of the many Georgia’s community health clinics.The Glenn Hills Community School-Based Clinic in Georgia being a community health care in Georgia as a big Primary Care organization favors my line of career(Georgia, 1996). The operating systems at the facility are versatile and updated; therefore, the environment at the organization will favor my career (Buppert, 2008). Additionally, I hope to learn a lot from this organization in terms of my nursing career. The Georgia community health clinic mostly addresses issues ranging from primary care needs, order diagnostic tests and writing of prescriptions (Sullivan-Marx, 2010). Alternatively, the organization focuses on helping in the application of evidence-based, management of common acute and some of the chronic health problems among individuals. All the mentioned care approaches directly lie in my line of duty(Georgia, 1996).

The Most Recent Reforms to the Child Maintenance System are Good News Essay

The Most Recent Reforms to the Child Maintenance System are Good News for Fathers but not Mothers - Essay Example 100 to be paid by the applicant. A total application charge for parents on benefits in the range of ?50 with ?20 of this paid upfront and the remainder paid in installments. The installments for the application only become payable where maintenance is in payment. Therefore a parent on benefit who applies will never pay more than the upfront charge if no maintenance is received from the application. A charge of ?20-25 for the calculation only service to be paid by the applicant. A collection surcharge (on top of maintenance to be paid) of between 15% and 20% to be paid by the non-resident parent. A collection deduction charge (retained from maintenance collected for the parent with care) of between 7% and 12%. A charge on the non-resident parent when enforcement measures (e.g. an order of sale for property) need to be used because of non-compliance. An application charge for the calculation only service.7 This reform is criticized by many because its impact is to be primarily on mothe rs,8 In most of the cases, it would be the women who apply for a maintenance as they would be the care-giving parent.9 1011It is so because â€Å"fathers on the whole do not negotiate full-time work with daily responsibility for child care, especially very young children, either during or after marriage.†12 A study by Atkinson and Mckay concluded that non-resident parents had no wish to share parental responsibility.13 The DWP Equality Impact Assessment for the Green Paper has observed â€Å"that 95% of parents with care are women, and a similar proportion of non-resident parents are men...†14 It is officially calculated,†the full cost of an application is likely to be around ?200. 15 The women in Britain mostly work in â€Å"part-time, low paid, (and) insecure jobs...†16 17 The single mothers have to schedule their working hours so as to undertake child care also.18 19 Mostly, this is why â€Å" women poverty begins with divorce...†20 The new refor ms are sure to put more financial burden on such women, who are already under-privileged. Here, it is important also to note that there is a proven connection â€Å"between poverty and single parenthood.†21 Power equations and maintenance Under the new provisions, if both the parents agree upon a maintenance amount under family agreement, they need not go to the government service provider.22 The power to take such a decision rests equally with the â€Å"parent with care† and the â€Å"non-resident parent.†23 If a non-resident parent decides to â€Å"pay by maintenance direct†, that is, not through government agency, then he/she can do so.24 The non-resident parent most often being the father, this might be a convenient decision for him, as he could avoid government action on non-payment. A Relationship Separation and Child Support Study carried out by a group of researchers showed that it was mainly the non-resident pa

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Electronic Commerce in Private Purchasing Essay Example for Free

Electronic Commerce in Private Purchasing Essay I guess you can say that ecommerce started back in the 70’s with EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer), in the 80’s with EDI (Electronic Data Interchange). The 90’s around 1995 is when the internet move from the federal sector to commercial sector when NSF (National Science Foundation) decommissioned NSFNET and move assets to vBNS (Very-High-Speed Backbone Network Services) which serves as a testing ground for the next generation of internet technologies, which allow ISP (Internet Service Providers) to develop. After the internet was develop we had an explosive growth mostly in â€Å"Dot Coms† ventures many professional left the major firm and job security to join start ups for the promise of millions of dollar. In the mid 2000 when the NASDAQ collapsed in March hundreds of thousands of people lost their jobs, stock values plummeted and thousand of company filed bankruptcy, downsized or were taken over by competitors. The subsequent stock market crash caused the loss of $5 trillion in the market value of companies from March 2000 to October 2002. By the early 2003 companies that were well-conceived internet based companies were proving their values, consumers became confidence in buying over the internet and business began to realize the internet can create true operation efficiencies and increase profit. The explosion in the use of the Internet has paved the way for several path-breaking innovations. One of the most interesting and exciting aspects of this evolution is the emergence of electronic business (e-business) as a mainstream and viable alternative to more traditional methods of businesses being conducted today. E-business is defined as the process of using electronic technology to do business. It is the day and age of electronic business. Also the structure of the Web is rapidly evolving from a loose collection of Web sites into organized market places. The phenomena of aggregation, portals, large enterprise sites, and business-to-business applications are resulting in centralized, virtual places, through which millions of visitors pass daily. Ecommerce redefines the very foundations of competitiveness in terms of information content and information delivery mechanisms. Flows of information over international networks have created an electronic market-space of firms that are learning to exploit business opportunities. E-business has become standard operating procedure for the vast majority of companies. Ecommerce is the subset of e-business that focuses specifically on commerce. Commerce is the exchange of goods and services for other goods and services or for cash payment. There are several different types of ecommerce Business-to-Business (B2B), Business-to-Consumer (B2C), Business-to-Government (B2G), Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) and Mobile commerce (m-commerce). A B2B system exchanges server programs and encoded files while communicating with other businesses. There are two types of B2B websites: vertical and horizontal. A vertical B2B ecommerce website is designed to meet the needs of a specific industry, and helps build connections between business communities in order to generate new business. A horizontal ecommerce website can be used by any company that is involved in buying and selling products or services. B2B ecommerce strategy can reduce operational costs, increase sales, and strengthen relationships between trading partners. These websites can help expand your presence in the marketplace and lower your procurement costs while handling an unlimited number of products. While B2B ecommerce reduces human intervention, overhead expenses, and errors, it also increases efficiency and advertising exposure and companys sales team and account managers can concentrate on generating new business. Business to Consumer (B2C) Business to consumer is the second largest and the earliest form of e-commerce. The more common B2C business models are the online retailing companies such as Amazon. com, Barnes and Noble and ToysRus. Other B2C examples involving information goods are E-Trade and Travelocity. The more common applications of this type of e-commerce are in the areas of purchasing products and information, and personal finance management. The market researchers from eMarketers estimate the number of online buyers to be around 900 million worldwide. This brought in the online traders worldwide a turnover of over one billion US$ for the first time. EMarketers estimate the British to be the biggest spenders per head where on average every online buyer spent 3,885 US$ in 2012. US ecommerce and Online Retail sales projected to reach $226 billion, an increase of 12 percent over 2011. 2012: US ecommerce and Online Retail holiday sales reach $33. 8 billion, up 13 percent over 2011. B2C e-commerce reduces transactions costs (particularly search costs) by increasing consumer access to information and allowing consumers to find the most competitive price for a product or service, it also reduces market entry barriers since the cost of putting up and maintaining a Web site is much cheaper than building a structure for a firm. And with information goods, B2C e-commerce is even more attractive because it saves firms from factoring in the additional cost of a physical distribution network and for countries with a growing and robust Internet population, delivering information goods becomes increasingly feasible. Electronic commerce and the Internet are redefining how consumers learn, select, purchase, and use products and services. Hence, B2C or Business-to-consumer retail holds significant business opportunities. A manufacturer with a dedicated ecommerce website can use it to increase margins, monetize existing brand loyalty and leverage competitive advantage. At the same time, he can increase awareness for the brand, provide important product information to customers, and gather valuable customer data to improve business prospects. There are a number of benefits which make owning a B2C ecommerce website inevitable for manufacturers. The ecommerce brings the shopping experience to the consumer’s home. By launching a B2C ecommerce website, the manufacturers’ bring the convenience and comfort of shopping to the consumers thereby increasing their prospective customers. When the manufacturer owns the retailing operations also, it can create brand awareness more prominently. By reaching out to new markets the manufacturers can increase their business’s brand name and about their product line. The e-shopping is accessible from anywhere anytime, thus it proves to be a quick and easy mode of providing information. Manufacturers can provide extensive updated information of their product range through their customized ecommerce website design. Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) is the business of conducting goods and services over the Internet to consumers from consumers. Another way to describe C2C is that it conducts e-commerce with consumers and themselves or to a third-party. Before any consumer-to-consumer business can be formed over the Internet, there needs to established of a space where individuals can come together. These â€Å"gathering spaces† are called online or virtual community in which a collection of people come to one site to communicate, connect, and get to know one another. From there, people can establish a multitude of community themes to bring similar minded people. Some examples of communities: * Communities of interest – people who come together over the Internet to share a common interest like professions, sports, hobbies, philosophy, trading, and others. Communities of relations – people who come together over the Internet to share stories of relations such as friends, families, and/or relationships. Some examples of these communities would be like Myspace or Facebook. * Communities of fantasy – people who come together over the Internet to share fantasies over the internet like fantasy football or baseb all. Another example would be a site that allows people to write their own stories of fiction. Another type of online community that establishes a consumer-to-consumer electronic commerce is called an online or electronic auction site. An e-auction is like a regular auction; however,  the  sales of bidding are done online. It is a place where sellers and buyers bid for items listed on the auction sites such as Ebay or Amazon. Two types of auctions that can occur:   * Forward Auction – an auction that sellers use to have buyers bid on their merchandise till the highest bidder wins. * Reverse Auction – like the forward auction, this auction is used by consumers that want to buy goods or services. However, the buyer selects the seller that has the lowest bid. An example of this would be seen in Amazon. com where instead of purchasing a product from them, a person can buy from other sellers. When going into the listing of other vendors, the website usually posts the lowest asking price first. Then, the next lowest price is listed all the way up to the last seller that has the highest price of all the listings. There are many benefits that a consumer-to-consumer e-commerce has. One of the main factors is a reduction in costs. Sellers can post their goods over the internet cheaply compared to the high rent space in a store. The lower expenses lead to smaller, yet profitable customer base. Being in a community of similar interest where buyers and sellers come together leading to more chances of goods and services being sold. Another benefit is that many small businesses can obtain a higher profitability over a C2C compared to a physical store because of the reduction of overhead costs when conducting an e-business. Probably the most positive benefit of the consumer-to-consumer sites is the effectiveness in selling personal items. There are also disadvantages that a C2C e-commerce has. One of the main factors is it is not always the safest and most reliable place to conduct business. Sometimes buyers and sellers are not accommodating to each other when transactional information is needed. In these cases, a proof of purchase can solve liability issues and prevent costly lawsuits for a consumer and small businesses. Another disadvantage is that these types of sites are known for scams, swindles, and people with ill-business intentions. When things go wrong on C2C e-commerce communities, people can easily spread their stories across the internet which effectively is Word-of-Mouth advertising. Consumer-to-consumer marketing is on the rise, and 2013 will be the year when it explodes into the mainstream, becoming a must-have retail marketing tactic rather than just the mark of the out-there-brand-innovator. Communication is no longer about just businesses talking to anyone; it’s about people talking to people. Forget who’s on the end of the conversation. This is about where it all starts. The future of communications is C2C, or consumer2consumer or people2people. Individuals, whether buying for business or for themselves, are talking to and listening to other consumers. They are setting the agenda, leading the conversation, sharing their views, recommending the best products and deciding whether brands are successful or not. No longer are consumers just taking in information corporations and brands are spewing at them. Now they question and make brands earn their loyalty. Because of social media platforms, like Facebook and Twitter, consumers are now quick to ask brands: What can you do for me? So, today challenge is getting people talking about brands in a positive way, not getting brands to talk to people. With so many touch points, brands must move away from the traditional 1960s formula of one-sided information and start having conversations with consumers. Consumers want brands to be authentic and have a real human voice they can speak with when something goes wrong or right. Business-to-Government (B2G) Business-to-government (B2G) is a variation of the term business-to-business the concept that businesses and government agencies can use central Web sites to exchange information and do business with each other more efficiently than they usually can off the Web. A Web site offering B2G services could provide businesses with a single place to locate applications and tax forms for one or more levels of government (city, state or province, country, and so forth); provide the ability to send in filled-out forms and payments; update corporate information; request answers to specific questions. B2G may also include e-procurement services, in which businesses learn about the purchasing needs of agencies and agencies request proposal responses. B2G may also support the idea of a virtual workplace in which a business and an agency could coordinate the work on a contracted project by sharing a common site to coordinate online meetings, review plans, and manage progress. B2G may also include the rental of online applications and databases designed especially for use by government agencies. This kind of e-commerce has two features: first, the public sector assumes a pilot/leading role in establishing e-commerce; and second, it is assumed that the public sector has the greatest need for making its procurement system more effective. Web-based purchasing policies increase the transparency of the procurement process and reduce the risk of irregularities. To date, however, the size of the B2G e-commerce market as a component of total e-commerce is insignificant, as government e-procurement systems remain undeveloped. Mobile commerce (m-commerce) More and more users are buying tablets and using them for e-commerce due to the convenience it provides. The latest report from eMarketer predicts a surge in tablet commerce, turning the m-commerce into a $50 billion industry next year. The overall mobile commerce spending, including both tablets and Smartphone’s, in 2012 was $24. 66 billion, and this figure represented an 81% increase from the 2011 figures. EMarketer also report predicts total ecommerce spending from tablet devices alone to touch $24 billion by the end of 2013 and then almost double itself in a year to reach $50 billion by the end of 2014. The total mobile m-commerce sales would stand at about $39 billion in 2013. In 2013, 15% of all sales is expected to come from mobile devices, with tablets alone accounting for a dominant 9%. By 2016, tablets alone will account for a significant 17% of all sales. A big reason for the surge is the increasing rate of tablet adoption, as more and more people buy this new device. Traditionally, the ratio of new devices has been four Smartphone’s for every tablet. But Christmas Day 2012 sprang another surprise, when 49% of the 17. 4 million new devices activated were actually tablets. As content delivery over wireless devices becomes faster, more secure, and scalable, some believe that m-commerce will surpass wire line e-commerce as the method of choice for digital commerce transactions. This may well be true for the Asia-Pacific where there are more mobile phone users than there are Internet users. Industries affected by m-commerce include: Financial services, including mobile banking, as well as brokerage services; Telecommunications, in which service changes, bill payment and account reviews can all be conducted from the same handheld device; Service/retail, as consumers are given the ability to place and pay for orders on-the-fly; Information services, which include the delivery of entertainment, financial news, sports figures and traffic updates to a single mobile device.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Government Influence on Media Debate

Government Influence on Media Debate Mass media is the vital means which keep people informed about event and news over the world. It is one of the most important stages to communicate and transfer information. Obviously, people receive external and internal news anywhere even they busy by listening radio and/or reading newspaper, magazine and internet. That mean mass media is the most powerful tool of communication. There are many kinds of media such as newspaper, radio, television and internet. It is useful for entertainment, advertisement and news around the world. Mass media has positive and negative impacts on the audience. That mean should be censorship to assess mass media and make it suitable for all audience. It would argue that some people believe that government should not influence on the mass media. However, others think that the government should control the mass media. In my opinion, I think that the government should have responsibilities and duties to control mass media. In this essay will write about advantages and disadvantages of mass media. Then I will discuss about the government should involve in regulating forms of influence on news, violence program, advertisement, sexual themes and education. After that I will mention some suggestion about media. Mass media has positive and negative effects on the people. There are many of advantages of media. First of the advantages, it helps you to increase your knowledge by reading articles in newspaper or watching TV program. Second, it keeps you inform about news internal and external world by listening to radio. Third, it helps you to improve your skills such as reading and listening. Moreover, magazine or TV advertisement obtains best offer for perfect product. On the other hand, if you followed the media extensively it could cause negative impacts such as media may cause obesity because setting long time read, watch or listen. Furthermore, children or young might learn bad habits like smoking or eating drugs because they imitate hero in film. In addition, people may miss some skill like speaking fluently because they learn to read and write with media. In many places around the world people believe that news take part in human life. The people want to know every events that happen around them. Therefore, mass media makes report daily and monthly to keep people informed. Also it reflects the news in best way to affect on people and make them happy to follow the broadcast. Audience might not trust any information sent to them by newspaper or television because fake news influence on the true news. Sometimes the media broadcasts the events in different way or it changes some parts in this events to attract people. Producing fake news may led to make serious problem between people and government entire the country or between two countries. The government should contribute many efforts to regulate the mass media by providing censorship for all kinds of media. Moreover, encouraging the media to make news in easiest way to understand it clear. That means the media not allows to establish programs or report without assessment from the gove rnment. For instance, when the newspaper and/or television produce report they need to have permission to establish it. Watching horror films and excessive violence programs seem good way to spend free time for young people. They set at home or they go to cinema to watch these program in terms of fun and entertainment. These programs design to make you concentrate on the events and try to think what could happen at the end. In this kind of program may show crime unreal like monsters or real but fake film like murder kill people. Excessive watching horror and violence cause many problems for young people especially children as the following. First of all the attitude, mood and behavior will change to worse such as speaking of young uncivilized because they imitate the film. Second, it might make children less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others, be more fearful of the world around them and be more likely to behave in aggressive or harmful ways toward others. As result, the government should notice that and teach the parents to look after their children and keep them away. The government shoul d obtain the instruction of any program by provide legal age to watch it. For example, some films indicate the suitable age to watch the film to prevent children from any violence. In many companies around the world use the media to advertise their product. The companies pay huge amount of money to show the product in the media. Usually they target children in advertisement which help them to sale goods. They create best broadcast by using famous hero use this product which attract children to buy it. Also, they use carton film to advertise product by doing unbelievable thing. That might make children believe that unhealthy food make you strong. Watching a lot of advertisements cause negative effects on children such as child believe every think in the media and do not realize the broadcast made for commercial and get money. Therefore, in my opinion the government should limit the advertisement or reduce time broadcasting. Moreover, the government should encourage companies to make broadcast with positive goal such as encourage children to eat fruits or mention in broadcasting some benefits of vitamins. In the visible media use attractive and sexual people to show the program like television and internet also in magazine they use photos of beauty girls. This kind of show to attract people and make them concentrate in the program. Companies provide beautiful girls an handsome boys in terms of fashion. The companies effort the worker more attractive to attract people and sell product. For instance, the companies use semi-naked girls to advertise hair care products, shaving blades and creams and/or body soaps. Some of the boys and girls do strong diet to be slim like the actors or actress. This may cause negative effect on their life such as cause some disease. Moreover, the people tend to watch romantic films which contain a lot of sexual themes. Also, some adult watch sexual films in terms of entertainment. However, the children will watch most of unacceptable themes in television or internet. This will encourage children to do earlier sex and do not care about wearing naked cloths. Because the children do not know sham and they think do right. This issue should solve by government. The government influence on the media by provide suitable age to watch and delay the broadcasting until mid night to be ensure children sleep. The mass media source of information for people so it work hard in terms of education which is the important concept in our life. Media provide variety programs to educate people. There are many program in history and culture in different countries. These broadcast to keep you informed about your traditional culture. Moreover, mass media will increase your knowledge by providing a large number of competition programs. There are many channel provide documentary and scientist material to give you view about the nature. Also, some magazine and newspaper provide different subject and games help you to think. These programs useful for all ages for example children may learn to read and write through TV or magazine. I think, the government keep encouraging mass media to improve the part of education. Furthermore, the government should give the media motivation to work hard and to keep going. Before the end of this essay I would mention some useful suggestion to help us to get benefits of media. First of all, the government should encourage people to read books by giving people pursuers about importance of media and how we use it in correct way. Second, the people should notice list for good program also do not concentrate on TV or internet only but you should read. Third, the parents should look after their children by deleting some channels from TV or band TV at the midnight and help them to understand the correct way for the media. Finally, I would say you should do sport to keep your mental awake. To sum up, me and some people believe that mass media plays a fundamental role in our life. It seems that mass media is the quick way to connect between the government and individuals. Therefore, the government should control mass media to promote education and development target also to protect young people from misleading habits.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Building Restoration

Advantages and Disadvantages of Building Restoration Using examples explore the advantages and disadvantages of allowing redevelopment and reconstruction of historic buildings. For the purposes of this discussion it is primarily important to determine what is meant by historic and to rationalize the terms redevelopment and reconstruction. The terms will be used in the context of preserving and conserving buildings. This includes maintaining their predominant features and characteristics, whilst enhancing new features in keeping with the style and building constraints relating to traditional use of materials and resources. According to English Heritage buildings exist across the UK that span over a thousand years. They also work with the Department of Culture, Media and Sport and local authorities to allocate buildings such as these according to their criteria for listing or categorizing for the purposes of their historic importance. These are identified using the following criteria: Those having architectural interest: buildings which are nationally important for the interest of their architectural design, decoration and craftsmanship; also important examples of particular building types and techniques. Those deemed of historic interest: this includes buildings which illustrate important aspects of the nations social, economic, cultural or military history. A variety of places that have a close historical association with nationally important buildings or events. Places which have group value, especially where buildings are part of an important architectural or historic group or are a fine example of planning (such as squares, terraces and model villages) [1] English Heritage define historic in relation to a number of factors. All buildings constructed before 1700 are automatically listed. Similarly this is the case with most properties up to 1840. A number of post 1945 buildings are also included in these terms. A comprehensive breakdown of listed buildings statistics across the UK is illustrated below: 38% are domestic dwellings 15% date from before 1600 nearly 20% date from the 17th century 31% from the 18th century 32% from the 19th century 3% from 1900-1944 0.2% from 1945 or later[2] Introducing conventional features can have negative consequences on properties such as those defined above. Not only for cosmetic or domestic purposes but also in relation to implementing safety measures into a property. and accessibility by way of lifts and hand rails etc for the benefit of people with disabilities. There is also a trend for interpreting properties of historical interest into entertainment or ‘edutainment’ orientated experiences which can be argued devalues the historic importance and often encourages historical inaccuracy from the learning perspective. The final consideration to be made in relation to this essay question is the notion of whether old buildings should remain preserved exactly as they are without any enhancement, improvements, additions or restorations. That they should reflect the period they were constructed in and be immortalized as a historical or scientific study. This paper will seek to exemplify many of these issues relating to the redevelopment and reconstruction of historic buildings which covers a broad argument for discussion. The English Tourist Board published a paper in 1991 entitled ‘Maintaining the Balance’ which proposed new schemes designed to ensure that historic town environments worked in sync with their communities whilst providing the visitor with a traditional experience. Visitor Management Plans were adopted and Town Centre Managers were recruited as means of taking these initiatives forward. The conservation and preservation of built heritage often involves maintaining tight restrictions and limited planning opportunities which is not conducive to new housing projects or business opportunities which could generate enterprise and economic benefits. Instead many of the UK’s classified historic towns remain stagnant and non progressive.[3] Similarly there are currently plans to renovate and restore the city centre of Amsterdam in keeping with its cultural heritage. The city centre is divided by two groups of residents. One enjoys the aesthetic benefits of living in this area , while the second are simply living centrally for the purposes of work and being close to amenities. This second group is unconcerned with the historical importance of the city and is not prepared to invest in maintaining or developing it as such. Often when areas such as this are under preservation orders high costs are incurred for maintenance and renovation in the style accustomed to the period. This in turn raises the rents of properties which become too high for existing residents to afford, eventually forcing them out of their homes, as is feared in Amsterdam.[4] When considering the practical aspects of individual houses, when a building is disassembled or exposed for the purposes of renovation or reconstruction, a great many vital elements which are original to its heritage can be lost. This might include clay or lime mortars used in between joist, foundations and chimney linings. Wooden frames held together by pegs can fracture if disengaged and it is crucial that that high levels of carpentry skills and traditional craftsmanship techniques are applied when rebuilding and renovating buildings.[5] There are an abundance of sites, Museums and stately homes which are testaments to ‘living history’ and function for the benefit of the public across the world today. Colonial Williamsburg and the Historic Charleston Foundation in the United States, Slave Forts in Africa and Weald and Downland Open Air Museum in the UK to name a few. They all encourage the preservation of old buildings. With this redevelopment comes the opportunity of numerous availability of grants and Heritage Lottery funding to help with this process. They enable people to remain aware of what is important historically and that reflects the lives and communities from which we all originate. People managing these processes need the necessary expertise with which to achieve these renovations and reconstructions. Acquiring documentation of age is essential as is being true to the period in which it was built architecturally. Architectural historians in the United States for example have divided buildings into around half a dozen significant periods of half a century each. These phases are then sub-divided into over-lapping periods. Even then not all of these categories are universally recognized.[6] This suggests reason enough for ensuring that each building selected for re-development is accurately assessed and renovated accordingly and appropriately. It is important also to remember that this is not a new phenomenon. In 1877 the painter and writer William Morris wrote a manifesto against the proposed restoration of Tewkesbury Abbey. During this and subsequent periods architects considered restoration to be about changing a building for the purposes of altering it to reflect its key historical importance. For example during the late nineteenth century many Anglo-Saxon churches in the UK were ‘restored’ into Gothic interpretations. This was a reflection of people’s attitudes then surrounding medieval masons, who were deemed uninitiated into religion. Consequentl y the Gothic form and design purported to purist representations and was in essence closer to God.[7] It is important then to remember that when renovating buildings they do not become exploited for the benefit of contemporary tastes and trends. It can be argued that many of these ‘living history’ experiences have become just that and are able to be devalued very easily. Accuracy based on the facts available to the architects is what should remain of paramount importance when reconstructing any historic building. One of the most exceptional examples of reconstruction to be seen today is with the city of Warsaw in Poland. During the Second World War over 85% of the city centre was destroyed. A huge campaign and total restoration took place over a number of years. The results of which stand today including replica churches, palaces and a market places all sensitively and historically representative of a history which spans some eight hundred years in its reconstruction. [8] On the other hand reconstruction is never going to be entirely accurate in some instances and it is these examples that encourage debate. Take for example the tourist reconstruction site at Mount Vernon in Washington where the coach house, slave quarters/ greenhouse and ‘stercorary’ have all been restored following fire damage that occurred in the mid nineteenth century. Some of which was based on documents and reminiscence accounts from past generations. Parts of the stercorary were rebuilt in 2001 incorporating the original cobbled stones and brickwork uncovered by archaeologists with research sourcing a drawing from 1807 which provided structural accuracy to be maintained. However when builders came to reconstruct the blacksmiths shop the old plantation ledgers illustrated detailed records pertaining to its location and activities. Whilst other archives provided details relating to the working blacksmiths themselves. Nonetheless contradictions began to appear relating to the shop’s exact location and its appearance during the year 1799. This contention has raged for over fifty years and has raised all the issues regarding physical reconstruction and the amount of evidence that is required in order to support the justification for re-building the property without sufficient authenticity.[9] Another similar example of this where reconstruction has been curtailed is with the handling of Franklin Court in Philadelphia, the residencies of the former President Benjamin Franklin. During the 1970’s an extensive programme of research both archaeological and archival was carried out on the assumption that the house and grounds would be renovated and fully furnished into an interpretative museum. But the research revealed little evidence of any pictures or drawings of what the house had actually looked like. Consequently no reconstruction took place other than the outbuildings and grounds which had retained more documented evidence. Proving that accuracy is reassuringly not always taken for granted in this type of work. Future functional requirements of a building are also aspects of development to consider within a historic building, as the law now governs that public buildings need to comply with the DDA (Disability Discrimination Act) by ensuring they have accessible routes both internal and external as well as ramps, lifts and toilets where necessary. This legislative requirement has had an impact on the way in which many historic buildings have had to alter their environment, which is of course an enormous and necessary benefit for people with a disability; although it remains one more area of concern where public renovations and redevelopments are taking place. The most heated debate in terms of redevelopment of historic buildings is of course a matter of architectural and archaeological appreciation. Some sites are considered simply not available to be rebuilt. Sites such as Pompeii for example or the Pyramids of Egypt. They are revered as preserved examples of the past, museums in their own right. They consist of ruins which are fragile and vulnerable. If these ruins become too fragile or it becomes impossible to maintain them then it is understandable that some sort of structure may have to be built around them. This may of course eventually decrease the visual enjoyment of a historical building which is why so many sites of importance are now being re-built. Such historical monuments are now able to be reconstructed far more easily by way of digitization. Several digital projects of this type exist for educational purposes and are becoming more widespread. In addition many historic houses like the Queens House in Greenwich, London provi de significant 3D models that demonstrate the different architectural development of the construction and alterations over time. [10]Technology has become so precise and truthful in its interpretations that this may prevail as the preferred method of reconstruction and development in the future. Many historic buildings get demolished just because they are old, so the modern appreciation for rebuilding and conserving these properties are essential to maintaining the cultural heritage of nations throughout the world. However it is important that the historic environment from which they have descended is fully understood. The right skills, techniques and materials from an archaeological perspective are fundamental to ensuring this process is achieved accurately and sensitively. Bibliography Deben, L, Salet, W (2004) Cultural heritage and the future of the historic inner city of Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis Smith, M.K, Robinson, and S.M (2006) Cultural Tourism in a Changing World: Politics, Participation and (re)presentation: Channel View Publications Paravalos, P (2006) Moving a House with Preservation in Mind: Rowman Altamira Nash, G (2003) Renovating Old Houses: Bringing New Life to Vintage Homes: Taunton Press Sickles-Taves, L (1999) The Use of and Need for Preservation Standards in Architectural Conservation: ASTM International Jameson, J.H (2004) The Reconstructed Past: Reconstructions in the Public Interpretation of Archaeology and History: Rowman Altamira Fitch, J.M (1990) Historic Preservation: Curatorial Management of the Built World: University of Virginia Press, 1990 Sourced from:, Date accessed, 20/11/08 Sourced from:, Date accessed, 20/11/08 [1] Sourced from:, Date accessed, 19/11/08 [2] Sourced from:, Date accessed, 19/11/08 [3] Smith,M.K, Robinson,S.M (2006:292) Cultural Tourism in a Changing World: Politics, Participation and (re)presentation: Channel View Publications [4] Deben,L,Salet,W (2004:247-248) Cultural heritage and the future of the historic inner city of Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis [5] Paravalos,P (2006: 62-63) Moving a House with Preservation in Mind: Rowman Altamira [6] Nash,G (2003:21) Renovating Old Houses: Bringing New Life to Vintage Homes: Taunton Press [7] Sickles-Taves,L (1999: 14) The Use of and Need for Preservation Standards in Architectural Conservation: ASTM International [8] Sourced from:, Date accessed, 20/11/08 [9] Jameson,J.H (2004: 80) The Reconstructed Past: Reconstructions in the Public Interpretation of Archaeology and History: Rowman Altamira [10] Sourced from:, Date accessed, 20/11/08

Monday, August 19, 2019

Should the United States Make English the Official language? Essay exam

According to the 2011 census, over 20.8 percent of the United States population spoke another language other than English ( Language barriers, cultural differences, and immigration have been a part of life in the United States for decades. Language is considered a vital tool in the construction of someone’s identity and an expression of culture. In the last 200 years immigrants have chosen to make the United States their home, but some proceeded with caution by slowly adapting to the English language and culture. If a country doesn’t have an official language is usually due to distinct historical or cultural reasons. As I began reading articles on this topic, I was amazed that the great country I live in doesn’t have an official language. I begin to wonder why this is the case. Many countries have an official language in which all the official business, daily activities and other formal activities are conducted. There are even thirty (30) states that have succeeded through their own statutes to declare English as an official language of their particular state ( It seems that this topic has been a heated debate for the past couple of decades, which has caused some division over the issue. I learned that there are a variety of pros and cons that you can argue about this issue. I chose to be a part of the pro English side for three reasons: I believe that making English our official language (1) would allow the education system to focus on English as the primary language, (2) it would unite our country in regards to racial discrimination, and (3) our government and business operations would be a little more streamlined. The United States is often called the melting pot because of th... ... immersed society through our businesses, education systems, and government sectors. I definitely support Congress in their attempts to continue fighting this battle to make English the national language. Works Cited Baron, Dennis. â€Å"Don’t Make English Official.† 1996. Web. 11 October 2014 Crawford, James. â€Å"A nation divided by one language.† 8 Mar 2001. Web. 11 October 2014 Inhofe, James M. and Cecilia Munoz. "Should English be declared America’s national language? A nation of immigrants considers the pros and cons of giving English official status." New York Times Upfront 23 Oct. 2006: 3. Bnet. Web. 6 Dec. 2014. â€Å"Habla Espanol? Does Spanish Threaten American English?† Web. 11 October 2014. â€Å"Official English.† US English, Inc. 2010. Web. 6 December 2014. â€Å"US Summary.† 2000. Web. 6 December 2014

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Heathcliff as Byronic Hero of Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights Essay

Heathcliff as Byronic Hero of Wuthering Heights      Ã‚   It is difficult if not impossible to find a character in Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights that is 100% convincing as the hero -- until one applies the qualities of the Byronic hero.   Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When considering Wuthering Heights Heathcliff immediately jumps to mind as the villainous character.   Upon his return he wickedly orchestrates Hindley's economic demise and takes control of the Heights.   He attempts to win Catherine, now a married woman, back and when that fails takes in marriage Isabelle Linton, Edgar's sister, with the sole intention of torturing her as a way of avenging himself on Edgar for marrying the woman he loved.   When Hindley died Heathcliff took his son, Hareton, in order to treat him as cruelly as Hindley had treated Heathcliff, thus taking his revenge on Hindley.   To further punish Edgar, Heathcliff kidnaps Cathy, forces her to marry his son, Linton, and in so doing gains possession of Thruschcross Grange and has the authority to treat Cathy as he desires.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Heathcliff obviously has a nasty vengeful side but that makes his character perfect to bear the mantle of the Byronic hero.  Ã‚   He rebels against the social order in his world by attempting to defy Hindley and associate with Catherine and later in his attempt to woo her from Edgar's arms and home and make her his own.   He is very definitely self-destructive and cares for no one but himself and Catherine, which at times seem debatable.   His passion in life is not life but to avenge himself upon everyone that has ever slighted him.   He systematically destroys the lives of the people who hurt him but he refuses to stop there - insisting upon further punishing those individuals through... ...nder the earth until he can join her in death so that he need not endure a single day without the knowledge of her close by.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   All of Heathcliff's actions sprung from his desire to be with Catherine.   When he was denied this, primarily because of his social standing and background, he sets about to ruin the lives of those who assume they are better than he because of their position in society.   Heathcliff cannot be categorized a villain but rather is dubbed Byronic Hero and to some extent, the victim of a spoiled manipulative brat.    Works Cited Damrosch, David, et al., ed.   The Longman Anthology of British Literature: Vol. B.   Compact ed.   New York: Longman - Addison Wesley Longman, 2000. Bronte, Emily.   Wuthering Heights. Norton Critical ed.   3rd ed.   Ed. William M. Sale, Jr., and Richard J. Dunn.   New York:   W. W. Norton, 1990.   

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Multiple Personality Disorder :: essays research papers

The day I learned my Grandma had Multiple Personality Disorder was a tough day. But the day my Grandma finally talked to me about it was a better day. Leading up to this day was long and tough. First, I had to figure out what it was, and that took much time. I also had to figure out how terrific my Grandma is as a person and a friend. So I decided to dig deep and start my journey.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The next day I went to the library and began reading about the disorder my Grandma had. I think I was about ten so it was hard for me to understand what I was reading. So I asked the librarian for help. She began explaining to me what Multiple Personality Disorder was. It was tough to think that my Grandma, the strongest person I know, was suffering from such a terrible disorder. I went home and began thinking; I might have this disorder. I asked my dad and he replied, â€Å"I would not worry about it.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It took me a long time to fall asleep that night. But before I fell asleep I decided to talk to my Grandma about it. The next day I went over to her house and asked her about it. Immediately she changed the subject asking, how my day was going and so on. She offered me juice and cookies. After I was done, I went home wondering why she wouldn’t tell me. After that day I just forgot about the whole thing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A few months later my dad received a call saying that my Grandma was in the hospital. She had been forgetting to take her medicine and she had attacked my Grandpa. She did not hurt him though. I never thought that, it would ever happen. We went to visit her a couple weeks later. She was so embarrassed that she was in the hospital for that. Finally, after about a month, she came home happier than ever.

Experimental Estimating Deflection of a Simple Beam Bridge Model Using Grating Eddy Current Sensors

Abstract: A novel three-point method using a grating eddy current absolute position sensor (GECS) for bridge deflection estimation is proposed in this paper. Real spatial positions of the measuring points along the span axis are directly used as relative reference points of each other rather than using any other auxiliary static reference points for measuring devices in a conventional method. Every three adjacent measuring points are defined as a measuring unit and a straight connecting bar with a GECS fixed on the center section of it links the two endpoints. In each measuring unit, the displacement of the mid-measuring point relative to the connecting bar measured by the GECS is defined as the relative deflection. Absolute deflections of each measuring point can be calculated from the relative deflections of all the measuring units directly without any correcting approaches. Principles of the three-point method and displacement measurement of the GECS are introduced in detail. Both static and dynamic experiments have been carried out on a simple beam bridge model, which demonstrate that the three-point deflection estimation method using the GECS is effective and offers a reliable way for bridge deflection estimation, especially for long-term monitoring. Keywords: three-point method; deflection estimation; relative deflection; absolute deflection; grating eddy current sensor (GECS) OPEN ACCESS Sensors 2012, 12 9988 1. Introduction. After a bridge is put into use, gradual deterioration is inevitable because of loading, temperature changes or other environmental factors. In order to guarantee the safety and durability of those bridges which are expensive and closely related with people’s livelihood, long-term and continuous structural health monitoring is an essential part of the maintenance management. Among the various structural performance evaluations, vertical deflection is an important parameter that can directly and effectively indicate a bridge ’s behavior. In terms of instrumentation for deflection estimation, there are contact and non-contact deflection estimation methods. Traditional displacement sensors such as mechanical dial gauges or linear variable differential transducers (LVDTs) are used in contact measurement, through which static or real-time displacement values can be obtained directly or fed into a computer for processing and displaying via a data cable. This method, however, requires access under the bridge and installation of a temporary supporting system to mount sensors, which is time consuming and not very efficienct. In addition, it might even be unavailable when bridges are over rivers, highways or have high clearance. Another contact sensor is the fiber optic Bragg-grating (FBG) sensor through which the deflection is calculated from the measured strain data and displacement-strain relationship [1,2]. In this way, however, the calculated displacement from strain data is sensitive to noise, and the sensors are expensive and must be embedded into the structure, which to a certain degree is difficult for bridges in service. To cope with those inconveniences in contact measuring methods, various non-contact approaches have been proposed. Based on the detection of the Doppler shift of the laser light, a laser Doppler vibrometer (LDV) equipped with displacement and velocity signal decoders can measure both bridge deflection and vibration simultaneously [3]. In this way, a static reference point (usually underneath the bridge) is needed for device mounting, and the device should be attended, which limits it’s usability for long-term monitoring. Among image methods, dynamic deflection with high resolution of the bridge can be obtained through using digital image processing techniques [4], while deflection distribution from the images of the bridge girder surface recorded by a digital camera before and after deformation can be evaluated by digital image correlation techniques [5], and digital close-range terrestrial photogrammetry (DCRTP) can measure the spatial coordination in three-dimensions [6,7]. Like the LDV, devices such as video cameras used in image methods cannot be left unattended and they are easily affected by weather conditions. Use of a Global Positioning System (GPS) can provide spatial locations of the measuring points on the bridge in real-time by comparing with a continuing operational reference station (CROS). It offers a long-term monitoring approach without being affected by climatic factors [8,9], but due to its relatively low accuracy, it is only applied to those bridges with significant deformations. All the non-contact methods mentioned above, although they differ in instrumentation, have one thing in common, a static reference point or CROS that is kept a certain distance away from the bridge is selected for installation of the measuring device, otherwise measurements cannot be carried out. Another method is using inclinometers which can be installed on the bridge directly along a line paralleling the bridge span axis [10,11], and both static and dynamic deflection time history curves can be calculated through curve-fitting technology based on the accurate angle records of the inclinometers. An outstanding feature of the inclinometer is that static reference Sensors 2012, 12 9989 points mentioned above are no longer needed. This approach reduces the dependence on environmental conditions and it is suitable for long-term monitoring. To avoid those deficiencies in conventional estimating deflection methods mentioned above, a novel three-point deflection estimation method is presented in this paper. Measuring points along lines paralleling the bridge span axis are chosen equidistantly. Among these measuring points, every three adjacent measuring points are defined as a measuring unit in which a straight connecting bar linking the two endpoints is taken as a relative reference line. Relative deflection of the mid-measuring point relative to the intermediate point of the connecting bar on which a displacement sensor is fixed can be measured, and thus the absolute deflection of each measuring point can be calculated from the relative deflections of all the measuring units. Compared with the contact and non-contact methods mentioned above, only real spatial positions of the measuring points are taken as relative references without any other static reference points. Moreover, the selected displacement sensor is the grating eddy current absolute position sensor (GECS) which is different from traditional eddy current sensors based on vertical characteristics [12,13]. Since the structure of grating reflective conductors is adopted, the measurement range is extended but without compromising the accuracy. In addition, as an inductive sensor, the GECS is waterproof and dustproof in principle, thus it can work under bad weather conditions, which makes it ideal for long-term monitoring. In this paper, both the principles of the three-point method and displacement measurement of the GECS are presented. Then, this three-point method for deflection estimation is verified in a simply supported girder bridge model in the laboratory. Comprehensive static and dynamic experiment results on the laboratory tests demonstrate this method is effective and offers an alternative way for bridge deflection estimation.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Writing: Life Expectancy and Ancient Egyptians Life

King Tutu became king at age 9 and led his empire from 1333 to 1322 BC. Considering this, the young king had little time to train or plan for his leadership. Instead, he moved directly from childhood to adult responsibilities. Like other Ancient Egyptians, King Tutu married at a young age. Whereas the modern day search for a marriage partner may take decades. The ancient Egyptians had no such leisure to make prolonged marriage decisions. King Tutu and his wife had two children who died as babies. While such deaths would lead o shock and immeasurable grief today, they were common then.So, parents could not count on watching their children grow up. Unlike modern humans, few Egyptians would have ever dreamed of holding their grandchildren in their arms, though some city-dwellers may have achieved this goal, as they had a lower mortality rate compared to village residents. Other causes of a shorter life expectancy included tuberculosis, polio, and malnutrition. Diseases occasionally brok e out, causing utter devastation. Many of these diseases were fatal, and unlike today, few could be cured r even treated.Still, today's scholars dispute King Tutu died at an age that was considered young even then: 19. King Tutu possibly died from an infection that, even If It had been vigorously treated, would have required antibiotics not yet In existence. Ultimately, his doctors' techniques were limited because they lived before modern medicine. Since the time of the ancient Egyptians, humankind has made great strides prolonging life expectancy. In fact, by ancient Egyptian standards, modern longevity is truly awesome. The Egyptians would be shocked to know that, these days, mom people even discuss immortality as a future possibility.He continued his search for years, ultimately coming very close to Warm Mineral spring. Still popular today, the spring thousands of years. It is possible that Leon never whether the spring was the fountain he was seeking, because he (use) for (learn ) (lose) his life in battle there. People from many cultures and of years. Most recently, the well-known American magician, David Copperfield, claimed that he had discovered the true fountain amid islands in the Bahamas. Copperfield (report) that when dying bugs are out in contact with the water, they will fly again.Copperfield purchased the island group, and since then, scientists (conduct) experiments of the waters to determine their restorative powers. The island group visitors for the past several years. (close) to 5. Write a description of your current life, imagining that your life expectancy is only 30. * Write an interesting introduction. * Describe your imaginary life using sensory details of smell, sight, sound, taste, and touch. * Include figures of speech in your description * Include a clear conclusion. * Use the vocabulary and grammar from Unit 1